2024/2025 Best Sample Letter of Intent to Medical School

Letter of intent to medical schools are essential documents that are crucial to your medical school admission. The letter allows you to show your eagerness to study a medical course. The letter of intent can make the admission officers see you as the right candidate. In this article, we will get more details concerning the letter of intent.

What is a Letter of Intent Medical School?

The letter of intent to medical school is a document you will write to indicate you are willing to accept any admission offer given to you. Also, it shows your interest in a specific medical school compared to others. Therefore, it is advisable to send only one letter of intent to medical school. The letter of intent comprises certain key components such as why you choose the medical school, a clear statement of interest, etc.

What is the Objective of a Letter of Intent Medical School?

The main reason for writing this letter is to show you have an interest in medical school. Also, you can add your reason for making the school your number one choice. It is a strong addition to your admission to any medical school. Writing the letter of intent to medical school will not give you admission, but it makes you stand out amongst other applicants.

Some factors make medical schools competitive like high yield rates, therefore, medical schools take their time in selecting students. You need to secure the right documents to gain admission into medical school especially when you know the school admits only a few applicants. A letter of intent can be sent in two different ways:

  • When you have completed most or all of your medical school interviews.
  • When you have gotten admission after your interview.

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Basic Things in Letter of Intent Medical School

Dr. Yoo Jung Kim revealed the letter should commence with a precise statement to let the school know you have an n interest in studying with them. After this, you can add a short biography of yourself and the interview date. As a result, the admission officer can locate your admission file.

The second part should contain things like the main reason why you have made the school your number one choice, what are the things that attract you to the school? What distinguish the school from other medical schools? Why will the school put you on the right track to success? Your answers to these questions will offer you the idea to craft this second section of your letter of intent to medical school.

Furthermore, your interest in work opportunities and research in the medical school offers to their students. If you have any faculty member or student involved in any research, you can join them, if you have an interest. Also, any opportunity in medical settings you can work there, and it could be in this section.

The last part should be the things you will add to the medical school program. It could be leadership and research skills. Volunteer work experiences can be added to your list of skills. You need to include only experience or relevant thins to boost your application into the medical school.

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Basic Elements in Letter of Intent Medical School

These things are crucial to your letter of intent:

  • Expression of appreciation for considering your medical application
  • Things you like about the school
  • Demonstrate your experiences and skills to attract the admission officer
  • A precise statement indicating you are willing to accept admission into the medical school.

Things to Neglect in a Letter of Intent

If you don’t want your letter of intent to medical school to be waved away by the admission officer, it is preferred to send your letter to the school that catches your interest. The mistake you can do is sending multiple letters to different schools to accept multiple admission letters. As a result, you can decrease your chances of gaining admission into the medical school of your choice. The general rule is to write one page and avoid stuffing unnecessary words together.

The letter of intent to medical school will offer the admission officers an impression of you. Therefore, you should try to avoid syntactic, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Therefore, you can find someone with an eye for details to proofread your work. Although the letter of intent to medical school is common, you can check the specific school policy before sending it to them.

Furthermore, some medical schools have their format of letter of intent and their method of receiving it. Some schools may want you to send the letter through traditional mail, to the school address, or their application portal. As a result, you need to take your time to ask the school for the right place to submit the letter.

The letter of intent format matters too because you can use either written text or emailed letters attaching it to the email. You can use PDF to submit your letters to the school because every device can open them, and the format won’t change. For instance, if you are using the latest version of Microsoft Office, the School Dean will have to use the latest version too to open your documents.

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Sample for Letter of Intent Medical School

Dear [name of the dean of admission]:

My name is Leah Rachel, and I am a medical school applicant who interviewed at the Stanford University School of Medicine this past October, and now that I have completed my interview season, I would like to express that Stanford is my No. 1 choice for my medical institution. Stanford will allow me to pursue my goal of becoming a skilled physician-investigator through its resources in biomedical research and patient care.

I am particularly drawn to Dr. X’s work on pancreatic cancer, and I hope to contribute my experience in pathway analysis to further the field of cancer I hope to contribute my experience in pathway analysis to further the field of cancer development research by taking a research year through Stanford’s MedScholars program.

Furthermore, the Stanford Cardinal Free Clinics and the educational opportunities at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center will give me the skills to take care of underserved patients. Ultimately, I hope to become an academic physician that Stanford will be proud to call its own.

Finally, I would like to provide a list of peer-reviewed publications to which I have been accepted since I submitted my medical school application.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Best wishes,

Leah Rachel

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